Unplanned: A Review

Today’s post is from KBF


“How can there be too many children? That is like saying there are too many flowers.”  ~St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta


Good morning dear readers! I hope this fourth Friday in Lent finds you well, and that you are looking forward to some beautiful spring weather this weekend!

I took some time this past Wednesday evening to catch a showing of the recently released movie Unplanned, a movie based on the life of Abby Johnson; a well-known former Planned Parenthood (PP) employee turned pro-life advocate. Abby released her autobiography by the same title a few years back where she detailed her entire experience with Planned Parenthood from beginning to end; exposing many unknown truths about the corporation.

I would highly recommend taking a trip to the theater this weekend to see this film. The director does an excellent job of connecting with the audience; and he helps pro-life advocates to see that people like Abby often have the best of intentions at the start of their involvement with PP, then compromise their morals little by little over time until they are so deep into the PP world that their vision is clouded (diabolically disoriented).  At the same time, the director allows people who may be pro-choice to see the truths of the cover-ups, and shocking procedures, that go on behind the closed doors of PP; and portrays the silent pain that abortion causes to women and their families.

I also appreciated that the film showed the two very different sides of the pro- life movement:  the detrimental side with pro-lifers putting gory signs in women’s faces, and the “you’re going to hell” attitude; vs the peaceful, prayerful, patient and sympathetic side, ie., the 40 Days for Life program, which most of us Catholics fall under. I was happy that a difference was depicted, as the liberal media tends to lump us all in as the former type.

Another element that was beautifully portrayed in the film was the power of prayer. We are able to see Abby’s mother, father, husband, and friends remain steadfast in their pro-life beliefs and persistent in prayer despite years of seemingly hopeless times. Praise God for their faithfulness and perseverance!

I don’t want to give the entire movie away, but I cried a lot. I laughed. I connected with Abby; and I was inspired to continue fighting, and praying, for the sweet innocent lives of the unborn.

I would definitely see it again, and would highly recommend to all of our readers!

We would love to hear what you think after seeing it.

Have a wonderful weekend!


~Warning: the move is rated R, so do be prepared for a couple of disturbing scenes which are included to expose the truth. People who have difficulty seeing blood may have trouble with these parts, but it’s still 100% worth seeing, and just choose to look away if it’s too much to handle.

~Unplanned movie trailer, here.